Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Tom Jones - Little Lonely One / That's What We'll All Do

So. I'm flipping through this box of records when I come across this one by none other than Tom Jones. It's a little curious because everything I've seen was on Parrot records, along with Engelbert Humperdink's shit. You know, my mom, and my aunt loved Tom Jones back in the late 60's, early 70's when he had his own variety show on TV. So there's some familiarity there. But seeing this one on Tower records made me a little curious. So I bought it, I mean, what the hell, it was 50 cents or something, and I put it on the turntable. Then WHAMMO! There it was. This was not just a "Tom Jones" record, but obviously a "JOE MEEK" record!!! Yeah, it's really in your face so to speak. So much so that it sounds like The Tornados are backing him up. Hell, they probably are backing him up. I guess what happened was Tom did some stuff for Joe back before he became really famous, and once he did, Tower Records picked up on it and tried to cash in. Apparently Tom and didn't think was too cool. Actually, this 45 is pretty good. It's got the whole Joe Meek thing going on, while Tom does his best vocalizing.

Little Lonely One
That's What We'll All Do


  1. Thanks for sharing this rare 45 with the fans! I have never heard these tunes and I have been collecting his music all of my life.

    Thank you.

    Peace, love, happiness and Tom Jones' music!

    Bob Sagerer (The Muse)
    Boonton, NJ

  2. Not a great Tom Jones fan but I'll keep these. Thanks

  3. I bought this Tower 45 Way back when I saw it on the EJ Korvettes Record shelf (right along side of It's Not Unusual) I always thought Little Lonely One and That's What We'll All Do were very good tunes and played the grooves off that 45.

  4. Again, a never miss 45 is always guaranteed on Tower Records.
    Thanx . . . . . . . !
